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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Self-regulation of whale-watching practices: A case study.

Published: May 27, 2020


Josée Laflamme, University of Quebec - Rimouski


Sustainable tourism; Marine tourism; Self-regulation


The popularity of offshore observing activities and the St. Lawrence River development strategies offer businesses in the marine sector an opportunity to develop their activities. Beyond the economic value, consideration of the social and environmental dimensions must not be neglected. In this regard, the Saguenay-St.Lawrence Marine Park (SSLMP), with the Eco-Whale Alliance, represents a model of collaboration between stakeholders that aims to promote and implement sustainable development. This article explores the motivations of the SSLMP stakeholders to set up a self-regulation tool that promotes sustainable development. It then listed the impacts on marine practices as a result of joining the alliance. In order to achieve these two objectives, a case study was conducted with four cruisers. The results highlight the motivations of cruise lines to create self-regulation standards and also the impacts that the implementation of these standards can have on the practices of the seafarers.