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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Artificial Creativity and Music: Exploring How Different Levels of Automation During Composition Process Impact Listeners’ Value Perception.

Published: May 27, 2020


Francisco Tigre Moura, IUBH University of Applied Sciences; Charlotte Maw, IUBH; Chiara Castrucci, IUBH


Artificial Creativity; Value Perception; Music


This paper investigates which effect the integration of artificial intelligence into the creative process may have on consumers’ product perception. A between-design experiment was conducted with 98 participants, who were presented different descriptions regarding the creative process of music they heard: as if it was the work of a human creator, the result of human-AI co-creation or of full automation. The narratives were applied to a high-involvement context (music listening for pleasure) and a low-involvement context (music as background for a commercial). Results indicated that the integration of artificial intelligence into the creative process, if communicated to the consumer, increases consumers’ perceived process novelty. No statistically significant effect was found for the other dependent variables measured.