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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Digital Nomads as Post-Tourists: Ordinary vs. Extraordinary Consumer Experiences in Tourism

Published: May 27, 2020


Kimberley Marr, Modul University Vienna ; Astrid Dickinger, MODUL University Vienna; Jaume Guia, Universitat de Girona


digital nomad; consumer experience; mobilities


Digital Nomadism is a growing niche form of tourism mobilities in which location independent workers choose to travel and engage in both tourism and remote work. Building on existing research, the phenomenon is examined through the lens of post-tourism, specifically blending the experiences of ordinary and extraordinary. Through qualitative interviews with self-identified digital nomads in Spain & Portugal and an inductive thematic analysis, a conceptual model is developed identifying push and pull motivation factors as well as nomadic strategies including ordinary work routines and extraordinary tourism experiences and how digital nomad practices balance them both. The consumption behavior and motivators indicated serve as a platform for further research as well as valuable insight in a growing tourism market segment for destinations