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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

The Advertiser’s Role In Perceiving Stigmatization In Social Appeals From Public And Private Sector

Published: May 27, 2020


IULIA NITU, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University; Sonia CAPELLI, University Lyon3, IAE lyon, Magellan, Lyon


legitimacy; advertiser; stigmatization


This research aims to understand how the perception of advertisers impacts the perception of stigmatization in their message which stigmatizes individuals for their non-desirable social behaviors. One study (N=265) was conducted using an advertisement stigmatizing consumers for overusing electric energy, the advertiser being either a private company or a public organization. Findings show a mediated effect: the better the prior attitude toward the advertiser is, the higher the perceived stigmatization is due to an enhanced perceived legitimacy of the advertiser. On the contrary, for the direct effect, results show that the lower the prior attitude toward the advertiser is, the higher the perceived stigmatization is. Therefore, advertisers have to carefully be selected to increase the stigmatizing appeal impact, in order to generate more stigmatization and be more persuasive in convincing consumers to modify their non-desirable social behaviors into positive behaviors.