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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

A Thematic Analysis of Obesity and Marketing and an Agenda for Future Enquiry

Published: May 27, 2020


Michael Christofi, University of Nicosia; Olga Kvasova, University of Central Lancashire Cyprus; Loukas Glyptis, University of Central Lancashire Cyprus; Demetris Vrontis, University of Nicosia; Alkis Thrassou, University of Nicosia


obesity; thematic analysis; conceptual contribution


Assessing the concept of obesity and the consequences of excessive food consumption habits has emerged as a topic of substantive theoretical and managerial importance in recent years. Accordingly, researchers produced a great amount of knowledge on this domain over the past decades, in an effort to examine the interplay between obesity and marketing. Based on these realities, a backward look at the way that major themes have emerged and evolved in the obesity and marketing domain is warranted. This will then allow us: a) to adopt a forward-looking, future-research-oriented perspective to help chart the next phase of interesting, rigorous, and relevant research in this domain, and; b) to provide a better understanding to consumer researchers, public health professionals, and marketers of the drivers of food choice and how to encourage consumers with obesity related health problems to make necessary changes to their consumption attitudes. Our research takes this as its goal.