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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Holidays in alpine areas without a car - the last mile from the point of view of our guests

Published: May 27, 2020


Jens-Michael Kirchhof, FH Wiener Neustadt, Campus Wieselburg


Last Mile; Sustainable Tourism; Public Transport


The most popular means of transport in alpine tourism is still the car which has negative effects on environment. Therefore, the public transportation becomes more and more important. The last mile is the so-called “bottleneck” of public transport. If the offer is not geared to the travelers needs its use is usually dispensed with. With an empirical quantitative research requirements of the target group "Holiday guests arrive and depart by public means of transport" it finds out that Green tourist destinations and transportation service providers must adapt to the special needs of travelers to the Last Mile. For example, Green tourist destinations and transportation service providers have to take care that waiting time does not come over the maximum waiting time travelers prefer and total packages for the hole journey at an acceptable price must be adapted to the needs of the "green travelers".