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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis of Marketing Master Student’s Job Preferences

Published: May 27, 2020


Zsuzsanna Kun, Corvinus University of Budapest; Judit Simon, Corvinus University of Budapest; Tamás Pusztai, Corvinus University of Budapest


preference; conjoint; job choice


This study focusing on the preferences of Hungarian Marketing MSc students on the job market while using CBCA conjoint analysis. An alternative preference technique is used at the first phase as the attributes are ordinal. Our results show that three different categories of attributes might be differentiated along their importance. Most important category is the net income. The second ‘middle’ category consists of ‘distance from home’, ‘payment method’ and ‘employer type’. The third least important category consists of ‘home office’, ‘working hours’, ‘extra programs’ and ‘training’. ‘Payment method’ receives the most significant influences. ‘Gender’, ‘region of origin’, ‘academic influence’ and ‘type of permanent residence’ has an impact on its importance. This attribute is the only not fixed feature in the middle important attribute set.