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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Measuring adherence of logo A “bottom up” approach

Published: May 28, 2019


Tore Kristensen, marketing; Gorm Gabrielsen, Finance


This article is an attempt to develop an alternative approach to measuring preferences and values. Sensory impressions like color, shapes, emotional experiences (Bloch, 2003, Damasio 2007), enable and require individual or personalized approaches, just as eye-witness to an event, seeing the same, often perceive different impressions such as hate, love, envy vs. the number of people at an assembly (Thorlinson and Bernburg (2004). Marketing in general seems to be heading for a personalized approach (Kumar 2018). Our approach aims to develop an approach based on a model describing the individual latent traits of the single respondents. It is a model discriminating between the values, preferences, expectations, adherence between expressions and pragmatics, or experiences. In addition to this challenge we seek a way to aggregate the data from the individuals’ attitude to the understanding of a population or market. Logos (Veryzer and Hutchinson, 1998) are intended to express certain mission statements, such as “the school provides creative teaching”, “the school is international” and “provided a credible education”. The general assumption is that the adherence is important as the ability to read these intents by the receiver. The approach relies on metric ordering of the items in questions, enabling a comparison of how far the distances from are one item to another. Many contributions have emerged the later years based on additional perspectives of distributed-, and embodied cognition. The importance of the interdependence of the hand and the mind has been emphasized. This means, that the hand is not merely an instrument, but an integral part of the mind itself (Wilson 1998, p. 7). Others, like Gallese and Lakoff (2005) lead us into the sensory-motor or image-schematic concept of grasping (by the hand) to achieve an insight that in the next round may be transformed into a metaphor. Then it is up for innovative thinking, but during history it may even turn into metonyms, which carry the essential meaning of say a building or object and perhaps become formalized as in a mathematical or legal language; a propositional model (Lakoff 1987). In this study we have used a different approach than the ordinary; applying both a personalized approach and enabled an embodied response by using a Thurstone scale-where there is no common outside anchoring-only the individual point of view. Despite this we have been able to develop a statistical model supporting a metric ordering. In this study, the logos 2 and five were shown to best satisfy the adherence of the respondents. The advantage of this is that we can measure how much may be gained by selecting to selected one (each of the two) and how much will be sacrificed by such a choice. In a practical situation this will enable decision makers to select the most important group in a behavioral decision and which may come as the second, third etc. Such a sequence is a diffusion model, but other designs may also be favored, depending on what kind of altered behavior is opted for. The most obvious approach is to look at preferences or values, but as we demonstrated other behavioral applications are possible. One may use the model for automated settings, like services on the net or demonstrations in exhibitions, show etc., enabling to support customer’s and users’ explorations of their own choices.