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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP: Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, an AMA Journal: Research at the Intersection of Marketing, Public Interest, and Well-Being

Published: May 25, 2021


Maura Scott, Florida State University; Kelly Martin, Colorado State University, USA


"The Journal of Public Policy & Marketing (JPP&M) is the premier scholarly marketing journal for research that promotes the greater good at the nexus of marketing and public policy, with a focus on consumer, societal, and environmental well-being. Each issue of JPP&M features a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to, ecology and sustainability, ethics and social responsibility, diversity and inclusion, nutrition and health, politics, regulation and deregulation, consumer and societal well-being, and security and privacy, among others. The journal has a 4-decade long history of addressing topics that make a difference in the world. As one of the four American Marketing Association journals (Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of International Marketing), we are committed to rigor and relevance through inclusivity. JPP&M is distinct in that it has a wide readership, which includes not only scholars but also policy makers, consumer advocates, managers, and individual consumers; the board boasts leading scholars, as well as experts from agencies. The purpose of the interactive workshop is to highlight the 2020-2023 strategic plan for JPP&M and how it aligns with the priorities of leading research institutions and scholars. We will discuss publishing in JPP&M, the strategic priorities of the journal, and what a 'marketing and public policy' paper looks like. We will also have an interactive breakout session, in which we discuss how to connect public interest-based research to the journal. JPP&M is uniquely positioned to align with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development goals (United Nations 2015); numerous recently published JPP&M papers have touched on each of these goals, and we encourage continued work in this area. Furthermore, JPP&M is aligned with the major accreditation standards, and we seek research along these lines. For example, AACSB accreditation standards encourage institutions to create and transfer knowledge to inform policy and public understanding, as well as to make “makes a positive impact on the betterment of society,” this guides priorities of leading business schools around the world (AACSB 2020). Similarly, EQUIS emphasizes research that “engages with and encourages impact from, and on, a range of stakeholders” (p. 77) including government, trade unions, associations, and policy -making or influencing bodies, among others (Equis 2020). JPP&M encourages work that aligns with these priorities. This workshop welcomes faculty and doctoral students who would like to learn more about the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. This workshop will be especially beneficial to Marketing scholars who are interested in: Research topics focusing on individual, societal, and/or environmental well being Topics that leverage rigorous conceptual and empirical scholarly research methods to help examine the big questions to help promote the public interest and ""greater good"" Creating new knowledge at the intersection of marketing and public policy Our 2020-2023 JPP&M Strategic Plan is focused on building knowledge through rigor, relevance, and inclusivity (Martin and Scott 2021). The four pillars of the plan entail: Expanding awareness of JPP&M as the go-to journal for topics that make a difference in the world, particularly at the intersection of marketing, policy, and consumer, societal, and environmental well-being. Increasing impact by engaging diverse and global policy perspectives. The journal is committed to gaining insights from scholars from beyond the borders of the US. For example, Gijsenberg and Verhoef (2019) examines how to increase public transportation usage, as modeled from European railway data. Set in the European Union, the research provides global insights to help promote sustainable transportation and reduce carbon emissions. Furthermore, we are committed to diversity and inclusion, and welcome work that brings insights from underrepresented and vulnerable populations around the world. For instance, Umashankar and Srinivasan (2013) examine how to increase the effectiveness of interventions in the context of employing former sex workers in India. This work has global implications for alleviating dire life circumstances which impact human dignity. As another example, Grier and Davis (2013) examine how fast-food restaurants near schools differentially impact ethnic minority teenagers, contributing to obesity among this vulnerable population. Encouraging business relevance and cross-disciplinary collaboration. As university research budgets potentially become more constrained, partnerships between marketing departments and areas across campus such as political science, health and nutrition, social work, and others, as well as various governmental funding agencies, are likely to increase and further make JPP&M’s mission particularly relevant and salient. Heightening policy relevance through a variety of marketing lenses. The work of JPP&M is relevant to a variety of marketing audiences and subdisciplines (e.g., consumer behavior, TCR, marketing strategy, modeling, services, and others). Read more about the strategic plan at: This 90-minute session is structured as follows, emphasizing an Interactive Workshop: 20 minutes: Key facet of the 2020-2023 JPP&M Strategic Plan: Inclusivity and Outreach to Scholars at Universities Across Europe. Focus on research that promotes and informs the public interest. 20 minutes:  Your Research May Connect to Marketing and Public Policy! 30 minutes: Interactive Workshop Session with Editors and Associate Editors. In this break out session, participants will join break out rooms with Editors and Associate Editors. Authors can gain feedback on how to plan and position their own work, to strengthen its fit with JPP&M. We will also discuss strategies to publish grant-based research in JPP&M, while also meeting the needs of governmental funding agencies.  15 minutes: Getting Involved: Publishing and Reviewing with JPP&M 5 minutes: Wrap Up Learn more at   References: AACSB (2020) 2020 Guiding Principles and Standards for Business Accreditation. Retrieved from: EQUIS (2020) 2020 EQUIS Standards and Criteria. Retrieved from: Gijsenberg, Maarten J., Verhoef, Peter C. (2019), “Moving Forward: The Role of Marketing in Fostering Public Transport Usage,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 38 (3), 354–71. Grier, Sonya, Brennan, Davis (2013), “Are All Proximity Effects Created Equal?: Fast Food Near Schools and Body Weight Index Among Diverse Adolescents,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32 (Spring), 116–128. Martin, Kelly D. and Maura L. Scott (2021) “Journal of Public Policy & Marketing: A Strategic Vision for Rigor, Relevance, and Inclusivity,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 40(1) Umashankar, Nita, Srinivasan, Raji (2013), “Designing Social Interventions to Improve Newcomer Adjustment: Insights from the Indian Sex Worker Community,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32 (2), 271–85. United Nations (2015) Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:"