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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

The effect of digital servitization experience on consumer response in streaming service

Published: May 25, 2021


Jin Soo Kim, Changwon National Univesity; Kyeong Kook Jang, Changwon National Univesity; Joonheui Bae, Kyungpook National University; Hakil Moon, Eastern Michigan University; Kyung Hoon Kim, Changwon National University


Digital servitization experience of consumers is more important in the music and video streaming industry than other industries. Digital servitization of streaming service such as Netflix and Spotify is being accelerated in the pandemic of COVID 19. This study has started from the research question of whether the digital servitization experience, from a consumer's point of view, will have a positive effect on the value-in-use and response of consumers participating in streaming services. This research empirically examines the effect of digital servitization experience on consumer response in streaming services. The research tested hypotheses based on structural equation model. As a result, the effect of digital servitizaion experience on consumer response is significant. The results present the new consumer experience provided by the digital servitization experience. Keywords: digital servitization experience, streaming service, value-in-use, pandemic, COVID-19