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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

Understanding the fashion consumers value to online shopping in the post Covid-19 Era: A laddering and means-end chain approach

Published: May 25, 2021


Dayun Jeong, Yonsei University; Charles Taylor, Villanova University; Boram Do, Yonsei University; Eunju Ko, Yonsei University


With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic since early 2020, digital devices have become an integral and inseparable part of people’s lives. Due to this, the global fashion market has also been altered dramatically, with consumers exhibiting a remarkable change in their purchasing patterns for fashion items. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in consumer behaviors for fashion items after the pandemic through online shopping using digital devices including smartphones. This study was conducted using the means-end chain theory and the laddering technique of qualitative research methods. It targeted 50 consumers aged between 20–60 who have had experience in purchasing fashion items through online shopping. As a result, there was a significant shift in the purpose of online shopping, which is one of the shopping venues for consumers, as well as the ultimate value consumers pursue before and after COVID-19. Keywords: post Covid-19, online shopping, fashion marketing, laddering and means-end chain, value