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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

What are the most impactful antecedents of Customer Brand Loyalty? A quantitative Meta-Analytical SEM

Published: May 25, 2021


Kathleen Desveaud, TSM-Research, University of Toulouse Capitole, CNRS


In addressing an old and scattered topic like brand loyalty, meta-analysis is an excellent tool to offer meaningful insights for research and practice. Still, to date, most meta-analyses are bivariate, and only four provide integrative models through MASEM (Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling) to explain loyalty. Also, these four MASEMs are not based on an explicit selection of the variables, questioning their ability to provide a true representation of existing knowledge. To fill this gap we conduct the first rigorous MASEM of this magnitude, based on a clear selection of the key loyalty antecedents, that we put into perspective in a quantified structural model. We show that loyalty is formed through a three-step process, where brand associations play a fundamental role with the most significant total effect, brand offer plays an intermediary role, coming in a second phase and brand relationship and experience both play a direct role with the highest direct impact on loyalty.