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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

Leveraging donation frequencies to cultivate the regular donor portfolio

Published: May 25, 2021


Ana Minguez, University of Zaragoza; F. Javier Sese, University of Zaragoza


Nonprofits play a key role in society but face a challenge to obtain sufficient resources to accomplish their goals. The regular donor portfolio, a critical element in providing stable and long-lasting funding, and how to manage it effectively, have emerged as a key research area. Drawing from temporal reframing literature, this study investigates the impact of the donation frequency by regular donors on their donation amount and provides an understanding of the moderating role of the type of donor (i.e., self- vs. other-oriented donors). Using a sample of donors observed over a seven-year period (2013–2019) and applying dynamic panel data techniques, the findings reveal that higher frequencies lead to higher donations, though this effect is stronger for self-oriented donors and weaker for other-oriented donors. This study provides useful guidance for nonprofits on how to increase regular donors’ perceived value from their donations and their subsequent contributions to help resolve societal problems.