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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

Paradox in a Film Remake’s Success: Does the Brand Power of an Original Film Lead to Satisfaction or Satiation of a Film Remake?

Published: May 25, 2021


Euna Lee, Seoul National University; Jung Eun Kwon, Seoul National University; Sang-Hoon Kim, Seoul National University


Film remakes are produced to benefit from the positive brand powers that original films have. Nevertheless, there is a paradox in a film remake’s success. The re-experiencing of the original film’s brand power leads to either satisfaction or satiation towards the film remakes. This paper aims to examine the effect of the original film’s revenue on the film remake’s revenue in the context of brand extension literature. Moreover, the effect of moderating variables that enhances and dilutes the original film’s brand power are investigated to resolve such paradox: innovation and multiple remakes. It is found out that with the significant effect of original film’s revenue, minor innovations allow translation of positive brand power of original film to the film remakes while multiple remakes increase satiation, thus weakening original film’s brand power. Therefore, a film remake is likely to success when it maintains similar elements with the original film and when it is a newly remade film.