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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

Dimensions of Frugality

Published: May 25, 2021


Rabia Bayer, Koc University; Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Koç University; Ceren Hayran, Assistant Prof/Ozyegin University


This research presents four studies conducted to advance a theoretically and empirically based understanding of the frugality scale. Previous research has regarded frugality as a unidimensional consumer trait. We suggest that it has two distinct dimensions: spending carefully and consuming carefully. First, we elaborate on these distinct dimensions. Then, we show their convergent and divergent validities from other relevant constructs, namely, propensity to spend money, value consciousness, price consciousness, environmental consciousness and voluntary simplicity. We elaborate on the contradictory evidence on frugal consumer behavior that previous research has revealed so far, and present initial results for the consequential effects of the suggested sub-dimensions.