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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

The motivations, barriers, and the role of brands in second-hand product consumption.

Published: May 25, 2021


Fabio Sandes, Universidade Lusófona; Juliana Batista, EAESP, Fundação Getulio Vargas, FGV, São Paulo; Julio Leandro, EAESP, Fundação Getulio Vargas, FGV São Paulo


The resale market is estimated as a U$ 17.5 billion market in the US alone. The advancement of social media allowed consumers to interact more and boosted the commerce of used items. In Brazil, Enjoei is an e-retailer with annual revenue of U$ 68 million-selling exclusively used products. We performed a mixed-method approach to collect consumers' perceptions on the matter: in-depth interviews with 12 consumers and a survey to confirm some of the findings from the interviews with 167 respondents, followed by two experiments. Our results show that consumers choose SHP mostly due to economic reasons or fashionable reasons, as sustainability is marginally considered. Lack of interest and fear of contamination are the main barriers for consumers that do not engage in SHP. The brand's relevance appears to be an instrument to change consumers' behavior towards SHP. Our results suggest that products from known and prestigious brands tend to make consumers consider buying SHP.


supporters of this research: CICANT/Universidade Lusófona, CAPES/Brazil, Toluna/Brazil, Fordham University, USA