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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

Shall I call it brand value co-creation, brand meaning co-creation, or something else?

Published: May 25, 2021


Jaana Tähtinen, University of Turku; Kati Suomi, University of Turku


This study offers a critical reflection on the conceptual state of brand co-creation research and deconstructs the most used concepts. The task is conducted using Conceptual Analysis Method (CAM). The results show that the field uses at least ten different concepts that are rarely defined and suffers from conceptual ambiguity; a state that has been shown to hinder theory development. The conceptual maps offered as a result of the CAM help researchers to choose the most useful concepts for their research as well as define them in a way that enhances the theory development in the emerging field of brand co-creation. In addition, the paper suggests aspects that have remained in the shadows in the current conceptualisations.