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EMAC 2022 Annual

A new brand present in the customer journey

Published: May 24, 2022


Aline Simonetti, Universitat de Valencia; Enrique Bigné, Universitat of Valencia


This study investigated how consumers perceive a new product using the three stages of the customer journey. One hundred participants were exposed to an ad for a new snack bar. Next, they performed two incentive-compatible purchase tasks (eye-tracking data were gathered) and answered a post-purchase survey one day and one week after purchase. The findings suggest that consumers could retrieve product/brand claims delivered via advertising in the pre-purchase stage. The ad also positively influenced attention to the product while browsing among several options in the purchase stage. Moreover, many consumers were willing to purchase a novel product at the expense of another option/money. The post-purchase results revealed that consumers were eager to try a new product as soon as they received it. Furthermore, although they read the information on the product packaging, they did not notice or were not interested in learning more about the product/brand by accessing a QR code.