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EMAC 2022 Annual

The role of preference for moderation and de-ownership orientation in explaining the usage of sharing economy services

Published: May 24, 2022


Barbara Culiberg, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; Mateja Kos Koklic, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; Petar Gidakovi?, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business


An important trend that has emerged over the last decade is the shift from buying and owning to borrowing and renting. This has given a boost to platforms that bring together users and providers of sharing economy (SE) services. Although the topic has attracted considerable research interest, there is a lack of evidence on the influence of individual-level determinants on the perceived benefits of using SE services. To address this shortcoming, the authors explain how consumers' preference for moderation and de-ownership orientation influence their intention to use SE services through perceptions of benefits. Findings from a U.S. panel survey indicate that consumers' preference for moderation and de-ownership orientation have positive effects on enjoyment, economic, and sustainability benefits. However, only the first two benefits mediate the effects of consumer characteristics on intentions. We also find significant differences in the conceptual model between users and non-users of the SE.