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EMAC 2022 Annual

The effect of different types of self-tracking on motivation in health

Published: May 24, 2022


Malaurie Fauré, Toulouse School of Management, University Toulouse Capitole, TSM?Research, CNRS, Toulouse, France; Sandra Laporte, TSM Toulouse School of Management


Consumers use self-tracking apps that collect data about their behavior to reach goals. Some wellness apps are tracking calories to help consumers control weight. These apps encourage users to focus on numerical feedback as opposed to feelings regarding their food behavior. We hypothesize that self-quantification impacts the perception of the self, by exposing users to a dehumanized self based on numbers. We study the consequences of different types of self-tracking feedbacks on the motivation to control weight. Thus, we will present the result of an experiment where we compare the effects of low and high degrees of self-quantification, affective feedback and feedback using categories. Results show that self-quantification has a positive effect on motivation though perceived competence of the feedback and, in turn, perceived competence of the user. Affective feedback increases the perceived warmth of the user but is considered less competent and decreases the motivation.