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EMAC 2022 Annual

Multisensory experiences and ethical brand behaviour in mobile marketing

Published: May 24, 2022


Daria Plotkina, EM Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg; Margot Racat, IDRAC Business School


While m-commerce is rapidly developing, retailers search for ways to augment sensory experience. To respond to the lack of touch in m-commerce context, online platforms increasingly implement haptic feedback (i.e., vibration). The sensory stimuli aim to increase the tangibility of the shopping experience and make shopping decisions more rational and concrete. However, our exploratory study with a total of 333 respondents in two countries (France and USA) shows that the actual effect is the opposite: shopping experience becomes more immersive, and it leads to an increased average online order and willingness to pay. While the current findings represent a commercial interest to m-retailers, they also pose an important concern for corporate social responsibility and consumer well-being.