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EMAC 2022 Annual

Deepfakes For Digital Marketing of Brands: Take It but With A Pinch of Salt!

Published: May 24, 2022


Nanda Choudhury, Fore School of Management New Delhi


Deepfakes is an AI enabled technology which uses a deep learning algorithm to create multiple version of a source digital content. The multiple versions mostly ‘altered’ (manipulated) with elements suitable for the purpose. Example, a political spoke person appealing to the voters with a single message but in different languages. Deepfake technology (DFT) found its pathway with application for producing adult content, hoaxes and financial frauds. Recently it has made its foray in digital marketing as IMC is exploring the avenues like never before. Brands are keen to be noticed, liked and consumed. The paper investigates the recent event of DFT in marketing domain and its reception. The finding from two preliminary studies indicates that marketers need to work on understanding DFT, its pros and cons, to provide a realistic as well as an authentic experience to the consumer. The paper put forth a set of propositions towards that initiative.