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EMAC 2023 Annual

Dual-Internationalization Strategies of Emerging Market E-tailers

Published: May 24, 2023


Jin Shi, Saitama University, Japan; Huifeng Bai, Liverpool John Moores University


From an international retailing perspective, this exploratory study aims to shed the light on emerging market (EM) e-tailers’ marketing strategies to implement their dual-internationalization (DI). Through a case study of the Alibaba Group, qualitative data was collected from twelve semi-structured executive interviews and internal documents. It is revealed that EM e-tailers employ strongly interrelated two kinds of strategies to accomplish their DI. In other emerging markets they are likely to adopt a standardized Global strategy, through which their expansion has a strong asset-exploitation orientation. Meanwhile, they tend to carry out an adapted Multinational strategy in developed markets, and their expansion has a strong asset-seeking orientation. It extends the literature in international retailing through examining EM e-tailers’ interrelated marketing and expansion strategies during their dual internationalization in both developed and emerging markets simultaneously.