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EMAC 2023 Annual

The Value of Cross-Functional Presence in Assessing Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Capabilities

Published: May 24, 2023


Jan Stentoft, University of Southern Denmark; Ole Mikkelsen, University of Southern Denmark


This paper investigates the value of cross-functional attendance in process’ assessing supply chain vulnerabilities and capabilities to enhance the level of supply chain resilience (SCR). Based on observations, interviews, and a questionnaire survey evaluating predefined vulnerabilities and capabilities, a mixed-method is applied in a multiple case-study setup comprising eight small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The findings reveal that the perceptions of vulnerabilities and required capabilities to handle the vulnerabilities are highly influenced by the function from which the person works. However, in the process of defining what constitutes supply chain vulnerabilities, and the required capabilities to handle these, first by themselves and later in a cross-functional process, data from the case studies shows a change in the perception, by professionals from sales, production, purchasing, planning/logistics, and finance/IT. Hence, the paper suggests a cross-functional approach to strengthen the process when building stronger SCR.