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EMAC 2023 Annual

When Red Bull Gives Wings To Sleepy Consumers: How Sleepiness Moderates the Impact of Brand Exposure Effects

Published: May 24, 2023


Sebastian Sadowski, Radboud University Nijmegen; Yannick Joye, ISM: University of Management and Economics; Bob Fennis, University of Groningen


We explore the impact of relevant brand-exposure effects (Red Bull logo) on the cognitive performance of sleepy consumers. Across two experiments we find that characteristics of the task during which brand-related associations could be used constitute an important factor helping to better grasp the possible impact of brand exposure effects on task performance for consumers high in sleepiness. We identify the positive influence of the Red Bull logo on the cognitive performance of sleepy people when the task during which they can use brand-related associations is effortful. In contrast, exposure to a Red Bull logo hinders the cognitive performance of sleepy people when the task is effortless.