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EMAC 2023 Annual

Sustainable Consumption During Hedonic Event Experiences: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda.

Published: May 24, 2023


Francisco Tigre Moura, IU University of Applied Sciences; Cansu Hattula, IU International University


This paper proposes a conceptual framework to address (un)sustainable consumption behaviours during hedonic event experiences, such as music concerts or football games. The framework’s rationale suggests that there is an inversely directional flow of affective and cognitive responses throughout the three stages of the event experience (experience anticipation, experience consumption and co-creation and post-consumption). Further, that the higher the consumers’ affective response during a hedonic event experience, the lower is the likelihood to engage in sustainable consumption behaviors due to the high emotional responses and their consequent decline of cognitive evaluations. Also, multiple intrinsic, extrinsic, and situational factors moderate the framework’s rationale. Finally, the paper presents a research agenda to address key aspects of the framework for validation.