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EMAC 2023 Annual

Developing an electric scooter charging stations as a new way to co-create a more sustainable electric micromobility

Published: May 24, 2023


Szemere Dorottya, Budapest University of Technology and Economic; Tamás Iványi, Budapest University Of Technology and Economics


Quality interactions that allow consumers to co-create unique experiences with the firm are essential for identifying new sources of innovation, but this process is getting increasingly complex. We studied how co-creation occurs between a company and its consumers in the development of a sustainable, innovative product based on a real consumer need in our exploratory qualitative research. To that purpose, we conducted three focus group surveys with various user groups at various times to study attitudes about sustainability, electric transportation, e-scooters, and the product itself. According to the findings of our study, sustainable transport is important to the people whom we examined, but infrastructure is necessary to achieve this. The startup's charging and docking station can be the solution. Although other agents were discovered and analyzed in the overall exploratory research, in this paper we provide the attitudes of only one stakeholder in the electric micromobility market.