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EMAC 2023 Annual

Measuring Green Consumption Behaviour

Published: May 24, 2023


Yingkui Yang, University of Southern Denmark; Jan Jensen, University of Southern Denmark; René Haldborg Jørgensen, University of Southern Denmark


Green consumer behaviour is an important topic in marketing because it can help reduce damage for the environment. Understanding the green consumption of products and services can thus help marketers identify marketing opportunities. Yet literature concerning green consumption behavior scales is very limited. The objectives of this paper are 1) to develop a reliable and valid scale to measure green consumption behaviour and 2) to use this scale to investigate Danish consumers’ green consumption behaviour. A total of 29 items were used for measuring green sustainable behaviour scale based on previous literature and from brainstorming. Online self-administered questionnaire was shared through personal social media page. The resulting scale consists of eight dimensions. These are: transport mode choice, avoiding waste, choosing sustainable packaging, reduce energy consumption, sort waste for recycling, buy toilet paper/power towels made from recycled materials, repair and buy used products, and minimalist lifestyle. Results shown that females in general were acting greener than their male counterpart, and households with children acted generally greener than those without child. Furthermore, dimensions of the green consumer behaviour scale vary between generations. It appears that Generation X are practicing more in terms of waste wasting, recycling, and buying products that are made from recycled materials while Generation Z acting more in transportation choice.