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EMAC 2023 Annual

What attracts consumers to purchase cross-border at Chinese e-retailers? Highlighting the differences between generations.

Published: May 24, 2023


Sjoukje Goldman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Hester van Herk, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Tibert Verhagen, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences


We analyze the impact of electronic (e-)store attributes, domain-specific and human values on consumers’ purchase intentions at foreign e-stores in cross-border e-commerce. We compare relationships across four generational cohorts in a sample of over 2,500 Dutch individuals. Using a survey on online shopping at Chinese e-stores, we find that for older generations, among e-store attributes, it is mainly product offerings that lead to purchase intentions, whereas, for younger generations, this is service quality. Furthermore, we find that domain-specific value ethnocentrism negatively affects purchase intentions, but not for the youngest generation. Resultant conservation derived from Schwartz’s human values only negatively affects purchase intentions among older generations, while resultant self-enhancement has a more positive impact among younger generations. The differences are prominent and indicate why some generations are more likely to shop online across national borders.