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EMAC 2023 Annual

How do theme park visitors evaluate smart servicescape and social servicescape in the new normal post-covid 19 world? Service quality scale extension.

Published: May 24, 2023


Shilpa Iyanna, Northumbria University; Carmela Bosangit, Cardiff University; Fauzia Jabeen, Abu Dhabi University


The biggest drivers of change in theme parks is technology. Technology enabled services are being widely adopted by theme parks as they attempt to provide customers with a more streamlined immersive experience. Further, visitor experience is greatly impacted by interactions with other visitors, who have become an indispensable component of the theme park experience. In such a scenario, how would visitors evaluate the service quality? Thus, this paper aims to review and extend the original Themequal scale by including “smartservicescape” and “social servicescape” as additional dimensions to theme park service quality evaluations. A two-step qualitative research process that involved a comprehensive review of literature and industry reports; and expert reviews was used in this study. The preliminary findings on the additional dimensions, sub-dimensions and associated scale items are presented in this study. These findings will inform the next stage of our study– the quantitative process.