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EMAC 2023 Annual

Can you hear my personality? A conceptualization of a brand voice based on brand personality

Published: May 24, 2023


Olga Bosak, University of Bremen; Maik Eisenbeiss, University of Bremen; Kristina Klein, University of Bremen


Companies advertising and interacting with their customers via smart speakers communicate predominantly auditorily. In this type of communication, the voice plays a major role, as the personality of the brand is perceived exclusively through the voice. But how does a voice have to sound in order for a desired brand personality to be perceived by users? Using an exploratory approach, we show that brand personalities of confidence, sensitivity, and excitement can be perceived through voice alone. We also determine which combinations of voice features are crucial for the perception of these brand personalities. With our findings, we provide guidance to marketers, voice interface architects, and UX designers on how to translate a brand personality into a voice so that voice assistant users can auditorily perceive the desired personality of a brand.