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EMAC 2023 Annual

Small change, big effect? The importance of just in time information and message framing in promoting the uptake of eco-routes

Published: May 24, 2023


Jochen Eckert, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences; Tino Müller, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences; Franziska Johanna Schechner, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences; Tatjana Steusloff, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences


Greenhouse gas emission reduction in road traffic is essential to limit global warming. Passenger cars are responsible for around 12% of total EU emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the main greenhouse gas. Public policy employs different and often rather costly mechanisms such as subsidies for zero-emission vehicles or public transport to encourage CO2 emission reduction. In this paper we explore nudging based alternatives using different message framing approaches to achieve the same goal. Using discrete choice experiments, we show how different presentations of Google Maps´ eco-routes can significantly alter consumers´ choices leading to stark differences in eco-route uptake and consumers’ willingness to trade travel time to save emissions. Our data reveals that the best performing message framing has the potential to save 80,000 tons CO2 emissions per year globally - when compared to Google’s message framing approach.