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EMAC 2023 Annual

Advising Policy-Makers: Potential Impact of Mandatory Vaccination on Opposition Behavior

Published: May 24, 2023


Matthias Stäudt, EBS University; Sven Henkel, EBS Universität für Recht und Wirtschaft; PASCAL VERMEHREN, EBS UNIVERSITÄT FÜR WIRTSCHAFT UND RECHT GMBH, EBS BUSINESS SCHOOL


Experience with SARS-CoV2 shows that the implementation of comprehensive measures such as contact restrictions and hygiene policies are not enough to effectively prevent exponential growth. Only the most extensive vaccination of all citizens appears to be a suitable instrument. However, experience shows that a significant proportion of citizens refuses vaccination. This paper contributes to academia and management by incorporating theoretical know-how into a structure equation model, predicting the effect of mandatory vaccination on resistance and social behavior. We test our model based on a survey among 553 vaccination sceptics. It implies, that people will reject vaccination even more, withdraw from society and increase negative word of mouth. They do not reduce their overall social interactions and evade political control. Therefore, vaccination would deepen rifts between vaccination advocates and vaccination opponents and make the political regulatory intervention more difficult.