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EMAC 2023 Annual

How the influencer behaviour affects brand social network?

Published: May 24, 2023


Elisabetta Benevento, University of Pisa; Davide Bellino, University of Pisa; Davide Aloini, University of Pisa; PAOLO ROMA, UNIVERSITY OF PALERMO


This work aims to analyse the role of influencers and their impact on brand social network growth during a new product launch event. Our study intends to investigate which influencers' behaviour could most promote the growth of the brand's social network, driving users who previously were not brand followers to start following it. We use a quantitative approach that exploits real data from Twitter regarding the release of two video games. The results show that the behaviour of the variables is contingent on the context and the community. In one case, high interaction and the production of entertaining tweets seem to be more effective in attracting users. In the other case, the results indicate the popularity favours the transfer of users to the brand. Our research is still ongoing, and the results are preliminary.