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EMAC 2024 Annual

Effective Influencer Marketing IV

Published: May 28, 2024


Giovanni Luca Cascio Rizzo, University of Southern California; Xueqi Bao, INSEAD; Roman Antoschin, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Maximilian Beichert, University of Mannheim


Effective Influencer Marketing IV Consumers use user-generated content (UGC) networks to serve a range of purposes in their day-to-day lives. Along these lines, this special session focuses on research projects that explore different aspects to increase the effectiveness of influencer endorsements. What Drives Virtual Influencer’s Impact? by Giovanni Luca Cascio Rizzo (LUISS Guido Carli University), Jonah Berger (Wharton School), and Francisco Villaroel Ordenes (LUISS Guido Carli University): This research examines whether including a companion (i.e., someone human with whom it seems like the virtual influencer has a social relationship) in photos can help. We suggest that companion presence should make virtual influencers seem more human, which should make them seem more trustworthy, and thus increase the impact of their posts. Timing Matters: The Impact of Post Sequencing on Consumer Perception and Engagement in Influencer Marketing by Xueqi (Sookie) Bao (INSEAD), Stephanie C. Lin (INSEAD), and Amitava Chattopadhyay (INSEAD): Understanding how influencers’ posting behavior affects promotional effectiveness is crucial. This research explores how unrelated posts affect the effectiveness of the promotional content. We propose that influencers posting promotions after significant life events may be perceived as inappropriate, leading to reduced consumer interest in the promoted product. Image Choices in Fundraiser Campaigns: Can Nonprofits Learn from Nano- Influencers? by Roman Antoschin (WHU), and Christian Schlereth (WHU): This research, investigates what NPOs can learn from fundraiser organizers to create economically successful fundraisers. In particular, we examine how the multi-stage choices of an image affect campaign success. Influencer Sharenting – How Can Children’s Privacy Rights Be (Better) Protected? by Lucia Malär (University of Bern, Switzerland), Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr (University of Zurich, Switzerland), and Maximilian Beichert (HEC Paris): This research examines the relevance of sharenting (combination of parenting and sharenting) in a commercial setting of influencer marketing and study its impact on influencer perception and revenue.