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EMAC 2024 Annual

Advancing and Integrating Value-Based Selling Research in Industrial Marketing: New Theories, Methods, and Perspectives

Published: May 28, 2024


Joona Keränen, RMIT University; Edwin Nijssen, Eindhoven University of Technology; Michel Van der Borgh, Copenhagen Business School; Harri Terho, Tampere University; Eva Böhm, Paderborn University; Néomie Raassens, Eindhoven University of Technology; Roland Kassemeier, University of Warwick; Christian Kowalkowski, Linköping University


Competing with customer value-based business strategies is the cornerstone of business-to-business (B2B) marketing, and value-based selling (VBS) is the key approach that makes strategic customer value orientation operational. VBS is particularly critical in contexts where firms combine products, services, and software into innovative and higher value, but often also higher priced offerings, such as servitized, digital, or sustainable solutions. While there is an emerging body of research on VBS, it remains an undertheorized, relatively isolated, and still inadequately integrated concept in the broader value-based management research and practice (Keränen et al., 2023). Without better theorization and integration, advancing the VBS research and reaching its full potential will be difficult. Therefore, this special session aims to bring together leading scholars from different domains and disciplines to discuss potential opportunities and fruitful avenues to advance value-based selling research and managerial practice. This session introduces and complements a call for papers for a special issue in Industrial Marketing Management dedicated to value-based selling with a similar objective. This session offers EMAC community state-of-the-art presentations on different aspects of value-based selling, an opportunity to network with other experts in this area, and a potential target outlet (IMM) for excellent project ideas developed in or emerging from the special session. This special session includes presentations from four research teams representing leading global scholars in different domains and areas related to VBS. Each team will focus on a specific topic and discuss how it could be used to advance or integrate VBS research in the industrial marketing context. Session Presentations: Selling Value in Business Markets: Strategic Imperatives and Research Avenues. Eva Böhm, University of Paderborn, Andreas Eggert Freie Universität Berlin, Wolfgang Ulaga, INSEAD Embracing a Value-Based Selling Ecosystem Strategy: Research Avenues. Néomie Raassens, Eindhoven University of Technology & Stefan Wuyts, Penn State University Value-based selling in pricing and negotiations. Roland Kassemeier, Warwick Business School Value-Based Selling and Servitization, Christian Kowalkowski, Linköping University