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EMAC 2024 Annual

Paying Attention to Faces: Dual Function of the Face in Advertisement

Published: May 28, 2024


Matia Torbarina, University of Rijeka,Faculty of Economics and Business; Tomaz Kolar, University of Ljubljana


Human face is often used advertisement element. Following assertions from the evolutionary psychology according to which attending towards the human face is an important evolutionary adaptation, consumers should be quicker to notice the advertisement showing a face than advertisement with other type of stimulus. Additionally, should this assertion hold, we should also see the increase in time needed for attending towards the advertisement when it is presented surrounded by the distractors containing human face. Both hypotheses were confirmed by the experimental study. Effects were observed when the target object is not salient (does not pop-out). Our findings add to the previous observations that human face in advertisement positively affects the attitudes and recall of the ad. Present study may shed some light on the reasons why such effects exist, for example due to the increased saliency of the ad.