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EMAC 2024 Annual

The “Minimalism = Non-Indulgence” Intuition and its Implications on Food Preferences and Waste Behavior

Published: May 28, 2024


Sumit Malik, University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS); Eda Sayin, IE Business School


The prevalence of mass consumerism and materialism has led to increased consumption of indulgent food and excessive food waste. Our research advocates minimalism as an affirmative lifestyle choice to address the dual challenges of food overconsumption and waste. Specifically, we demonstrate the "minimalism = non-indulgence" intuition and its effect on food preferences, food waste concerns, and food waste management. This research shows that adopting minimalism leads to an increased preference for non-indulgent (rather than indulgent) foods and a heightened concern for non-indulgent food waste and its management. We find replicating evidence for the effects across five studies and multiple food and choice contexts. These findings contribute to the literature on consumer intuitions, food consumption, and food waste behaviors. We also offer insights to policymakers and socially responsible marketers on adopting minimalism in their messaging to promote sustainable food choices.