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How can YouTube commercials for a major sporting event be more engaging? Exploring the impact of advertising commonality and sponsorship

Published: May 28, 2024


Wenze ZHAO, ESSEC Business School; Marc Mazodier, ESSEC Business School


The question of whether advertisers should create similar content to others is essential. To answer it, we use a deep learning algorithm for object detection to objectively measure advertising commonality, which refers to the similarity between the firm’s and competitors’ advertising content. We investigate the impact of advertising commonality on engagement with YouTube commercials for the 2022 FIFA World Cup and explore the added value of sponsorship. The effects of advertising commonality and sponsorship depend on brand size. For large brands, advertising commonality decreases commercial engagement, while for small brands, it increases engagement. Additionally, we found that sponsorship increases engagement with commercials for large brands but tends to decrease engagement for small companies. The present research contributes to the advertising and sponsorship literature by helping managers to develop engaging commercials.