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EMAC 2024 Annual

AI and analytics in the multidisciplinary marketing ecosystem

Published: May 28, 2024


Maria Petrescu, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Brooke Reavey, Dominican University, River Forest, IL, USA; Philipp Brüggemann, FernUniversität in Hagen; Mihai Orzan, Bucharest University of Economic Studies


This panel discussion session aims to explore the dynamic interplay between artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms in a multicultural and multidisciplinary marketing ecosystem. The moderated panel will discuss how technological advancements reshape marketing strategies and practices across diverse cultural contexts and disciplinary perspectives, drawing insights from recent academic literature. The session is structured around the following essential topics: 1. Fostering value creation in hybrid public-private ecosystems with AI: This discussion explores how AI and algorithms can significantly contribute to value creation in hybrid ecosystems involving the public and private sectors. The panel debate focuses on enhancing public-private interactions through AI (Dudau et al., 2023; Dudau & Brunetto, 2022) and sheds light on AI's role in managing the relationship between marketing and policy organizations. 2. AI-based innovation in the marketing ecosystem: This theme focuses on the transformative role of AI in innovating marketing strategies and practices. The session will discuss how AI revolutionizes business-to-business marketing through innovative frameworks (Petrescu et al., 2022). Furthermore, the discussion examines how AI-driven strategies are shaping the marketing landscape, based on recent academic literature. 3. AI and analytics adoption in multicultural marketing: The panel addresses the challenges and strategies for implementing AI and algorithms in diverse cultural settings, focusing on adopting marketing information technology in various cultural contexts (Orzan et al., 2023). The role of AI and machine learning in analytics and in understanding and navigating multicultural markets will be a key focus. 4. AI ethical practices in business and policy: This theme discusses ethical considerations and best practices in AI and algorithm usage in marketing. Based on the latest academic findings, the session will examine the ethical implications and privacy concerns that arise with the integration of AI in marketing strategies,. The insights emphasize the importance of ethical AI use in marketing communications and strategy development. 5. Multidisciplinary marketing curriculum adaptation to digital realities: Panel discussants will tackle how marketing curricula adapt to the digital realities of AI and technological advancements. The session will focus on integrating AI into marketing education (Zahay et al., 2022) and emphasizes the need for a multidisciplinary approach to equip future marketing professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge in an AI-driven marketing landscape. Generally, the special session will offer a comprehensive exploration of AI's role in modern marketing, highlighting innovative approaches, ethical considerations, and the need for curriculum adaptation to keep pace with digital transformations in the multidisciplinary marketing field.