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EMAC 2024 Annual

The influence of shopping club nudges along the consumer decision journey

Published: May 28, 2024


Nadine Schröder, WU Wien; Bernhard Winter, Vienna University of Economics and Business; Christina Patricia Schamp, Vienna University of Business and Economics; Thomas Reutterer, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business


Digital nudges have emerged as a popular marketing tool in online retailing. These nudges include time and demand scarcity, social proof, as well as targeted messaging about pricing and discounts to create a competitive yet engaging shopping environment for consumers. We are the first to study the effectiveness of such nudges in the context of online shopping clubs, leveraging a unique combination of an extensive real-world dataset consisting of customer reactions on over 40.000 shopping campaigns and a controlled conjoint experiment. In contrast to prior research on nudges we examine the impact of nudges on multiple stages of the customer journey. Our preliminary findings show that the nudges have differential effects across the purchase stages: Whereas we find positive effects of social proof, we find negative effects of scarcity in the pre-purchase stage. Likewise, scarcity nudges might backfire resulting in higher cancellations after the purchase, signaling post-purchase regret.