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EMAC 2024 Annual

Pride Perception and Differentiation: The impact of negative emotions and product type

Published: May 28, 2024


Franciele Manosso, Universidade Federal do Paraná; Paulo Prado, Universidade Federal do Paraná; Rafael Demczuk, Universidade Católica Portuguesa


Pride is a positive emotion related to achievements, possessions, and experiences. Nowadays, it is also possible to perceive pride in the content shared by people on social network, which means that the pride of others may impact individuals’ behaviors. Precisely, when a person perceives pride, a comparison emerges, mostly when they think about their achievements, which can consequently generate behaviors. Therefore, this research aims to understand the relation between pride perception and the need for differentiation. We performed five studies, with two experiments, and analyzed three secondary databases to comprehend how this emotion can impact consumer behavior. As a result, we found that negative emotions mediate the relation between pride and consumption for differentiation and found that the type of product, people's closeness, and self-esteem are relevant moderators for the proposed model.