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EMAC 2024 Annual

Brand Activism and Inclusivity

Published: May 28, 2024


Gijs Overgoor, Southern Methodist University; Gijs Overgoor, Rochester Institute of Technology; Yakov Bart, Northeastern University; Koen Pauwels, Amazon Ads; Ludovica Scalco, BI Norwegian Business School


The "Brand Activism and Inclusivity" Special Session explores the intersection of brand activism with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the modern marketing landscape. Its objective is to analyze how brands respond to societal calls for inclusivity and the impact of these responses on brand reputation, consumer perception, and marketing strategies. This session brings together four distinct yet interconnected research papers that collectively offer a comprehensive understanding of the role of DEI in brand activism. Presentation 1: "The brand reputation impact of activism depends on the category and the kind of activism" by Ludovica Scalco and Anders Gustafsson, BI Norwegian Business School, investigates how various forms of corporate activism influence brand reputation over time. Presentation 2: "Racial Pay Gap in Influencer Marketing" by Amy Pei, Yakov Bart, Koen Pauwels, and Kwong Chan, Northeastern University, examines the existence of racial pay disparities among influencers, particularly during heightened public attention to racial inequality. Presentation 3: "Ad-vancing Diversity: A Longitudinal Analysis of Black Actor Representation in Television Advertisements" by Gijs Overgoor, Southern Methodist University and Yakov Bart, and Koen Pauwels, Northeastern University, provides a longitudinal view of black actor representation in TV ads, offering insights into brands' diversity strategies. Presentation 4: "From Representation to Reception: Evaluating the Impact of Diversity in TV Advertising on Consumer Purchase Intention" by Gijs Overgoor, Southern Methodist University, Gokhan Yildirim, Imperial College London, Yakov Bart, and Koen Pauwels, Northeastern University, explores the effects of increased racial diversity in TV advertising on consumer purchase intentions. Each paper contributes to a nuanced understanding of brand activism in the context of inclusivity, challenging and advancing current marketing practices and theories.