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EMAC 2020 Regional Conference

How providing personal information about the producer on food packaging affects consumer responses

Published: September 16, 2020


Dennis Gawlik, University of Hohenheim; Verena Hüttl-Maack, University of Hohenheim


producer information; picture of producer; food packaging


Food supply chains without any connection between producers and consumers characterize today’s food systems. However, consumers show a growing interest in who produces their food and some producers react to this by providing personal producer information on packag-ing. We assume that personal producer information such as a picture or the name will improve consumer evaluations of products. We present an experimental study, in which we vary the amount of visual and textual producer information provided on the packaging of unprocessed food. A picture of the producer improves the attitude towards the product, perceived food quality and authenticity. This effect is mediated by enhanced levels of trust in the product, while the perceived amount of information does not increase. The opposite occurs for textual information. To practitioners, we can recommend providing visual producer information.