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EMAC 2020 Regional Conference

Factors Assisting the Use of Technology among older adults

Published: September 16, 2020


Zsofia Kenesei, Corvinus University Budapest; Krisztina Kolos, Corvinus University of Budapest


elderly consumers; technology acceptance; design


Quality of life of aging people is an increasingly significant issue in ageing societies. Technological innovations play an important role in improving life satisfaction of the elderly. The purpose of this research is to examine the factors that may assist older people to use technology, in this case the Internet. The results support that accessible and available internet is extremely important for the long-term use of it. What may also promote acceptance is when an elderly user discovers that Internet can help maintain social relationships and provide them with a form of entertainment. An important implication of the results is that design considerations must be incorporated when developing technology for the elderly.


The research was realized within the frame of project titled „EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00017 „Fenntartható, intelligens és befogadó regionális és városi modellek”Társadalmi Innováció" f?irány