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EMAC 2020 Regional Conference

Willingness to Disclose Personal Data as a Case of Negotiated Social Exchange

Published: September 16, 2020


Sigitas Urbonavicius, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Mindaugas Degutis, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Ignas Zimaitis, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Vaida Kaduskeviciute, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Vatroslav Skare, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business


willingness to disclose data; social exchange theory; digital marketing


The increasing trend towards personalized offers in online marketing requires personal data disclosure on the buyer side. Even though buyer willingness to disclose personal data has been examined from various perspectives, the issue remains of high importance. The current study suggests a new theoretical background and approaches the willingness to disclose personal data from the perspective of the social exchange theory. The findings disclose the relation between the reciprocal and negotiated exchange and show the importance of perceptions regarding the legal regulation and the perceived lack of control as well as trust, risk aversion, cyber fear and paranoia.


This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), Agreement No P-MIP-19-12.