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EMAC 2020 Regional Conference

The Evolution of Virtual Trade Shows: A Literature Review from the UK Medical Device Industry

Published: September 16, 2020


Matthew Edge, Bournemouth university ; Sid Ghosh, Bournemouth University; Danni Liang, Bournemouth University


trade show; medical device; technology


Conventional medical device trade shows have been held at global geographic locations, serving as a primary marketing mechanism for communicating promotional activities, highlighting industry trends, encouraging collaborations to influence buyer behaviour. The concept and evolution of virtual trade shows as commercial platforms enable the facilitation and collaboration between industry buyers and sellers, virtually anywhere, at any time. This study firstly offers literary research, discussing and evaluating medical industry perceptions and reactions toward participating in virtual trade shows in contrast to conventional trade shows. Secondly, the study contributes to existing literature through outlining virtual trade show relationships and their value creation.