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EMAC 2021 Regional Conference

Digital marketing tools fostering SMEs internationalization and foreign market development

Published: September 22, 2021


Andrea Runfola, Associate Professor, University of Perugia, Department of Economics; Yuliia Kyrdoda, PhD Student, University of Perugia, Department of Economics; Matilde Milanesi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Florence, Department of Economics and Business


digital tools; internationalization; SMEs


This paper deals with the use of digital marketing tools for SMEs internationalization. While, within the marketing domain, the use of digital tools, such as social media and e-commerce, have been widely investigated, their potential for international marketing is rather unexplored. This paper discusses the use of digital marketing tools analyzing two Italian SMEs expanding abroad. The paper’s findings stress the potential of these tools in terms of foreign market development, pointing out some international marketing-specific aims that can be addressed with their use. The paper contributes to the rising literature that calls for studying the research gap concerning how digitalization is changing marketing practices with a focus on internationalization.