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EMAC 2021 Regional Conference

Revenue management practices in peer-to-peer accommodation: a case of Airbnb

Published: September 22, 2021


EWA KICZMACHOWSKA, Kozminski University Warsaw


revenue management; peer-to-peer accommodation; Airbnb


Revenue management (RM) practices are well established in the hotel industry. Peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation is a distinctive alternative to hotels, which, in its roots, is managed by non-professionals. As a relatively new phenomenon, it evolves constantly and thus gets growing interest from scholars. This study, being based on granular, longitudinal and very recent data (479 282 pricing records for 25 827 properties offered through Airbnb platform in the period of 67 months: Aug. 2015–Feb. 2021), clearly showed intensification of P2P hosts’ professionalisation process. It also displayed significant differences in professional vs non-professional hosts’ behaviours related to RM, although the discrepancies between the groups were bigger in case of multi-unit than superhost characteristics.


This work was supported by the Kozminski University Warsaw research support fund.