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EMAC 2022 Regional Conference

Impact of food processing of organic products on perceived value and behavioural intentions of consumers

Published: December 1, 2022


Ida FARTSI, University of Angers; Gwenaëlle Briand-Decré, LEMNA, University of Nantes; Ivan Dufeu, GRANEM, University of Angers; Gildas Appéré, GRANEM, University of Angers; Muriel Travers, LEMNA, University of Nantes; Rodolphe Vidal, ITAB, Institute of Organic Agriculture and Food


The demand for natural, healthy products and, at the same time, for processed organic products has increased in the last decade. This transformation raises questions, both among researchers and consumers, who tend to be sceptical about processing methods. In this paper, we investigate the role of more or less innovative processes, and more or less known to the general public, on consumers' perceptions and attitudes towards organic products. To this end, we are carrying out an experiment, the fieldwork for which is currently being collected, which will make it possible to improve knowledge on the subject and to propose recommendations to professionals in the organic processing industry.